So many options!

12 December 2011

Be back soon!

Hi Everyone!

So you might have noticed that I haven't posted in, like, two weeks. I can't imagine how much you have been missing me. I am so sorry about this.

The next few weeks (and the previous two as well) will keep me pretty tied up. In an effort to prioritize in order that I might keep my head above water, I have decided that I need to put the blog on hold until things calm down. I wish it weren't the case but, C'est le vie!

I will be back in rip-roarin' fashion as soon as the New Year starts up. Until then, have a very happy Advent season and a super Merry Christmas!


  1. Ummm, it's the middle of February...

    P.S. Will you please come help me decorate my house? I'm helpless and hopeless ;-)

  2. I was just about to get on you for not being back yet. I see someone has already beaten me to the punch. GET YOUR REAR BACK HERE! Seriously... I almost considered a toile bedroom the other day.


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