So many options!

28 February 2012

Pearls are a Girl's Second-Best Friend

With the camera flash, these pearls might give diamonds a run for their shine
(Second only because Diamonds are shinier, of course.)

Last summer I completed this project, yet it almost-eternally slipped my mind to share it with you.

This could be due in part to the fact that it done while I was still in my dang-it-I-forgot-to-take-a-before-picture phase.

So, yeah, that means I can only show you the finished project, because I also failed to take any in-action shots too. But, work with me here for a second: Imagine a plain old spherical flower vase and you will have a pretty good idea what this thing looked like before I went glue-gun-ninja on the vase and covered it with faux pearls (courtesy of Hobby Lobby, naturally).

Good times.

When I first started gluing the pearls on the vase, I simply squirted a big glob'o'hot-glue on the vase and tried to get as many pearls on that glob as I could. I quickly realized that was a poor strategy because it looked messy--not messy in the aesthetically pleasing way, but in the "she has absolutely no idea what she is doing so you should feel sorry for her" way.

Ahh, see ye the Orb of Pearlyness

Since I don't usually do projects with the goal of racking up consoling reassurances that I am special (however much I do love attention, even I have standards), I took my pearl-and-glue strategy in a different direction. I attempted to attach the pearls to the vase in lines, or rings, around the vase. Because pearls don't have straight edges, my lines began to take on some wavy effect as I tried to minimize the gaps between pearls, which were created by the nature of their sphere-shape.

Although the asymmetry of the lines boast the DIY-ness of the vase, I find that I don't mind that fact at all. If I hadn't attempted to minimize the "holes" in the pearl coverage, I bet that would be driving me crazy by now because it would seem so "unfinished." Instead, I can enjoy the DIY glamour and fancy-pantsness that my Pearly Orb adds to pens that other wise would be piled atop the desk in my bedroom.

So, here'ya'go, folks. A little DIY G-rated drama to bring to your bedroom or office.  In case you're wondering, here is a picture of how the pearls jive with the other beauties on my desk. (This pic is proof that I did this project last summer...there is no way it is that light outside at 7:43 P.M. these days!)

"Actually, it will be 'Mr. Pen' to you"
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  1. Mary, This is really pretty! And I'm quite sure this would make a great gift. Add some colored pearls and make a design would be really neat! Visiting from "Show Me What You Got" Linky Party

  2. would love it if you could share this on my link party

    Natasha xx


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