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24 April 2012

My Best Friend's Wedding

Last weekend I had the honor and privilege to stand up in my closest friend's wedding. It was a marvelous and moving weekend. For me, having such a dear friend get married proved to be a very moving experience. I have been to a number of weddings in recent years, but this is the first one in which I was a bridesmaid. Everything was beautiful and so inspiring.

Since I was a bridesmaid, I decided not to lug my camera into the church and snap pictures through to the Mass. I am glad I made this decision, especially since it would have distracted me from [1] bridesmaid duties and [2] witnessing a beautiful sacrament. But it was somewhat of a bittersweet decision because it turned out that the church was _a.m.a.z.i.n.g_ Here is a link to the parish's website gallery. But, seriously, the pictures do zero justice.

I was able to bring my camera to the reception. It was gorgeous. So elegant. Here are the best of my pictures from the evening.

For those who love bling, here are his-and-her wedding rings (Right box) and  a right hand ring (Left box)

Bridal table, centerpiece

Bridal table. Clearly we were quite thirsty.

Look at that cake!...and the dress too!

Bridal table, 2

Guest table, version one

Bridal table, again

Guest table, version two

Guest table, version three

Guest table, version four

Dessert table!

Dessert table

Fuzzy picture of ballroom and dance floor right before every started boogying

Congratulations, best wishes, and many blessings to the newlywed couple!


  1. I'm just thinking of the poor person who had to wash all those dishes!! ;) Beautiful reception!
    ~Jennifer D.

    1. It was a beautiful reception!!! As I looked through the pictures I laughed at how many cups were on all the tables--people sure were thirsty


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