So many options!

19 May 2013


What does a cow say? ...Mooooooooooooooo(ve)
Saw whaat??
That's right, folksies--I'm moving! When, you ask?
Thursday. Yeah, that's soon. It's something I've been working on for well over a year and now it is (almost) finally happening. It's a bit of a funny situation, though. You see, my current lease ends with the month and the lease in my next place does not start until August 1st. Thus, I will be storing all of my belongs and subletting from a good friend for the months of June and July. I am really excited to be living with my friend (hi, Sole!), but I am nervous about the whole "moving twice in one summer" thing. And storing all of my stuff is totally new, uncharted territory for me. When I picked up my key from the storage managers, the introductory schpeel  included a reminder to animal-proof my packaging. <*gulp*> Here are some quick snapshots of how that's going. I call it, "A Practical Exploration into the Chaos Theory of Being Uprooted."

Since my next living situation will soon be transitional and, really, not my own, I will be sharply limited in my ability to pursue home projects like I ordinarily would, particularly in the summer months. This being so, I am thinking more about how this blog might evolve so that I do not, yet again, fall off the face of the blog-earth. I suppose it could easily morph into a "lifestyle" blog, but that doesn't sound entirely interesting to me. I have some ideas, and I am sure the possibilities are probably more numerous than I can see at this point in time. I guess I'll just see where it goes!

Moving on from that stream-of-conscious digression....Let's go hang out in the living room of my current-and-soon-to-be-old-house. As I sort of hinted in this post and with this picture:

things have been looking different in the living room these days (pre-dating the house devolving into its current stage of chaos). After losing one and gaining another roommate, our home furniture collection got a mix-up. Not only did we acquire the above grey chair (as well as the wooden chair and mirror, discussed in this post), we got its matching big-sister, the full sofa.

There is also the coffee table you see above: A garage sale find, and upcycle, by my talented and soon-to-be-wed roommate.

Also because of the roommate jumble, we did some minor switcharoos in the room's layout. Here is the previous set up:

We really liked the layout/flow ("feng shui", anyone??) of the room before the change up. We thought it was very cozy and we received frequent compliments about how home-y it felt. We tried to replicate it as well as we could with the new furniture selection. This is what we came up with.

view from the front door
Another angle from the front door
The new couch is about six inches longer and three inches deeper than the old couch. It was going to be too tight of a fit to position the new sofa where the old one sat, so we placed the new one against the wall. This opened the room, giving more space for the new armchair that came with the new sofa.  In the previous set up, we used the old couch to separate the entryway from the rest of the room. Now visitors are welcomed right into the main room.

we will be walking out that door for the last time very soon!
Funny that I am just now sharing this progress with you as I am effectively "tearing down" all the work done to make this place a home. But, as they say, better late than never! (Or "never late than never" as my tired brain first had me type before my stingy-editor brain caught it). It's been a wonderful home these past two years--and, boy, did those years fly by!

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